Note: These are braindumps !
While learning any topic I make notes, at first they are very basic and progressively they get advanced.
Don't expect super wisdom ("Gyan") out of these.
As I said just braindumps 8-)
If you have some tips you'd like to share, post in comments and I'll include them here for everybodys benefit.
Enable/Disable a checkbox
var t = "#show_1234" + crFarmID;
$(t).attr("disabled", false); // Enable the show/hide button again
$(t).attr("disabled", true); // Disable the show/hide button again
Check/Uncheck checkboxes
t = "#myCheckBoxID";
$(t).attr('checked', false); // uncheck the "edit" checkbox
Change Background color of a DIV
showDiv = "#IDOfDIVToChangeColor"; // Color the showhide DIV again
$(showDiv).css('background-color', crColor);
Click an Element
var t = "#IWantToClickThisDIVID";
Floating message box
Great one from Roshan -
After the message is shown, I actually blink it to grab a bit of the users attention, by doing so -
450 & 350 time gaps make it subtle.
Change transparency of a DIV
$("#MY_DIV_ID").css({ "opacity" : 0.95 });
Change HREF in an anchor
$("#MY_DIV_ID").attr("href", "");
Select all DIVs with an ID like x. The below example, selects all DIVs with name lineItem, e.g. lineItem-1, lineItem-2, etc.
$('div[id*=lineItem]').css('border','3px dotted green');
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